Need octagonal gates for DC sticks

Started by Vertigo, October 18, 2005, 07:26:39 PM

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I have 3 DC sticks, two are for Super Gun and one is still native to DC.
As you're no doubt aware, DC sticks had a horrible square gate, which means that the stick often gets stuck in the corners and pushing too far makes the spring get caught also.
The newer models like the SvC version have a lovely octagonal gate instead.
Now looking at the innards I'm assuming they're interchangable, coz they seem to be the same internal design even down to the holding clips.
So where can I buy a few of these octagonal gates please?


why don't you show us a picture or tell us what kind of stick mechanism is used?

it just so happens that I bought several octagonal gates from Seimitsu when I was in Japan.  Or maybe it was Sanwa...  I forget.

but anyway, I have them, have you been a good boy?

Also I once made an octagonal gate from a four-way gate by cutting for notches in the up down left right positions, creating eight indents.


Cutting is a problem because
a) I haven't the tools
B) I haven't the coordination
c) I don't want to

Here's a pic of the gate I want, 3rd pic down, on your (your!) wiki:

As far as I can tell from looking at the sizing and connections (snap-ins at the edges) it should fit in place of the standard white bit of plastic in a Dreamcast arcade stick. Although I haven't measured, etc, coz real men don't need to, but iirc the DC stick is similar to this one inside. Anyone have any idea if the gate will fit it and clip straight in? It looks like it should.


Those sticks are utterly, totally and completely different.  That octagonal gate will slap on and replace an already existing but square gate.  If you don't have a clear plastic gate that looks nearly identical to that octagonal one, then the octagonal one won't fit.   Besides, you're mixing sanwa and seimitsu here.


How much for one, so that I can have a play with it and if it doesn't quite fit possibly modify it until it does?


It won't work.  You'd have to glue it down and if you were even slightly off it would make you made until you or the stick found its way to the middle of a busy freeway, bouncing and colliding to its/your doom.

An IRC regular (you remember IRC don't you?  That thing you abandoned, as if we mattered to you not at all?) modified his DC stick to use a Sanwa mechanism.  You should consider that.


I didn't abandon IRC, I merely have other priorities at the moment, which is why I hang around here during work hours, because I admire, nay love, your gorgeous baldy head and your oft-grumpy demeanour. But I can't use IRC at work and choose to do other things at home.
Besides, it's not my fault they don't visit here, is it?

How about you just send me a gate anyway and we'll pretend that none of the above's happened and I just want it because it'll make a pretty ornament or something? I have someone here that I could recoup the cost from anyway. Or perhaps you could give me the 3D dimensions of the part.