How to mod snes2 rgb to SNSP-CPU-02 board?

Started by timofonic, July 16, 2005, 01:58:05 AM

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I have exactly SNSP-CPU-02 board on my snes (it's an european snes board). I want to do all this mods to my SNES:

Adding RGB output to a newstyle SNES (I prefer to forget about all rare connectors on my electronic stuff, thinking for the future).

 Make your PAL 50Hz SNES run at 60Hz! (I suposse that this can be done without problems, no?).

Diabling the SNES lockout chip (I don't where to put the cable or a switch on the SNSP-CPU-02).

Please help me about modding it.

Best regards,

PS: The gamesx tutorials are very simple, looks like a few appoints, and the photos are too bad and I can't see what chips are on them.


Please not say me U8, say me the part number of the chips. If anyone has an american version (probably a lot people here), please say me the part numbers instead of U1...U2...U3...U4...U5...

PS: about 50/60 and lockout found, now need the rgb stuff... What about change to JP/USA/EUR/...? Some multiregion mod available?