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WTF is wrong with Sony?

Started by Akir, June 07, 2005, 09:26:12 AM

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Seriously, what is Sony's problem. First, they release a defective product, then they say that the defects were intentional, and then they start releasing porn for it in UMD format! What, do they expect people to go into the subway and start jacking off in public!
Pornography in by itself isn't that bad. It's what they put it on that enrages me. If it was a magazene or a DVD, then maybe it wouldn't be that bad. But The PSP was ment to be portable. Now the adults can show off some girls pretty private areas to their little kiddies on long car trips!
It's a pitty that this level of lowness has reached this market. Unfortunatly, the question now is "When will they be out for the DS, or the speculated XBrick?"


Woah buddy... calm down. The whole porn thing is in no way endorsed by sony. Its simply a UMD release by some Japanese porn company, and the PSP plays UMD's (duh.) Thats like saying screw Nintendo because Acclaim made BMX XXX (actually I have no idea who made it.) But yeah, UMD porn is pretty stupid, now the freaks can whack off in the car on the way to work. Or in the bathroom at junior high. Japanese porn is censored isnt it? So silly not that Id ever watch porn.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


It's tacitly endorsed by Sony since they allowed it to be released. It's one more shot fired at Nintendo's kiddy image too.  

And Akir, try to remember that just 'cause the first thing you thought of was showing porn in public doesn't mean anyone else will.  It's more than likely going to be the ultimate bathroom buddy for people who don't have the freedom to spatter their keyboards while sitting at the computer.  

That said, I like porn.  I like japanese porn, especially when it's uncensored.  There's nothing wrong, IMO, with releasing porn for a portable media system.  Sony makes a big deal about the JPG and video viewing, the connectivity and other ridiculous non-gaming crap, and people fell for it.  Now, for a change, Sony's following through with <gasp> stuff I'd actually want to see.  =D


im actually supporting lawrence on this one somehow. i admire your honesty, it isnt often people freely tell the general public they are pro-porn. i dont see anything wrong with it either to be honest. i dont know a single guy with a computer who hasnt downloaded it at some point. yet they swear to the very end that they dont in alot of cases. it wasnt 'till i turned my friends laptop toward him with his porn playing on it that he gave in and admitted he downloaded it:P
but yeah, i see no problem here.


It's not the fact that it's on a protable system; there are portable DVD players, too. The problem is that it's on something that little kids buy. It's jut not right. As a part time psudo-sociologist, I can see that this is going to breed a new brand of slime, at least if the same happens in America.


That's a good point, Akir, except for a few things you may be overlooking.  This is a Japanese product for japan-only.  In Japan, porn is much more prevalent, kids are exposed to it in every magazine shop in the country, and it's often very hardcore stuff.  It doesn't phase them, they're not as repressed as the kids in a lot of western countries.

That said, kids don't buy $300 PSPs.  They steal them, or get their parents to do the buying.  Thieves are already corrupted, and parents who don't police what their kids buy are a far, far more serious problem than kids watching porn.  

I'm of the opinion that a kid who's old enough to be interested in porn is old enough to handle watching two other people have sex, and kids who aren't yet physically mature enough to get turned on by it won't understand what they're seeing, and will watch something else.

Americans, and no doubt other countries, try to repress their desires.  Physically most of us are ready, able and willing (if not eager) to start fucking like mink by the time we're twelve to fourteen years old.  In "the old days" girls used to be considered spinsters if they weren't married and popping out children by the ripe old age of sixteen.  That our modern social beliefs, misguided as they may or not be, dictate that kids need to be protected doesn't mean that, in fact, they really do.

Kids are smart, parents are slacking, and Sony sucks for many more reasons than this.  =)


QuoteIn "the old days" girls used to be considered spinsters if they weren't married and popping out children by the ripe old age of sixteen.  That our modern social beliefs, misguided as they may or not be, dictate that kids need to be protected doesn't mean that, in fact, they really do.
Is this what you told the judge?

Can I use it?


I hope it isn't region protected because I doubt this hot stuff would be out on the North American PSPs.

It's not like any Asian port distributor would have UMD Region 1 version of these videos since most Asian porn is bootlegged in West anywho  :P

I wouldn't mind parting money if these discs work on North American PSPs.


there is no psp region protection.


QuoteI wouldn't mind parting money if these discs work on North American PSPs.
Do people still seriously pay for throwaway crap like porn?
And to watch it on a PSP small screen?


Quotethere is no psp region protection.
There appears to PSP region protection for UMD video, as opposed to games, unless you have evidence otherwise?
[ Not an authoritive source of information. ]


So... any updates on whether or not the PSPorn is region locked?


the particular thing I think is stupid about this is that if you can encode movies for play on the PSP, and lord knows everyone who watches porn downloads it for free, why bother releasing pay versions? Granted, some people just HAVE to part with their money, but it seems a bit supurflous.

That said, I think it's a good thing. Personally I don't care if kids see porn. If they want to see it, they dan see it. I found some pornographic comics when I was 12 or so, and I dare say I found them fascinating. But then, I didn't have that (largely) christian mentality looming over my head to tell me that watching people have sex is wrong.

I really doubt kids will be able to buy it, or even that they'll want to. And indeed, in japan people are reading pornos on the trains, take their kids with them to the sex shops (I've seen it!) - it's totally different, without that particular style of cultural repression. They've got a crapload of different types of cultural repression of course, so they're still screwed, but at least they got the sex one right.


IIRC, the UMDs are region locked.

The games, on the other hand, are not region-locked.

Shit, Fry's over hurr on the West Coast sells Import PSP games (for ridiculous prices).

Hi Lawrence!


QuoteIIRC, the UMDs are region locked.

The games, on the other hand, are not region-locked.

Shit, Fry's over hurr on the West Coast sells Import PSP games (for ridiculous prices).

Hi Lawrence!
Yeah, we all know that as a general rule UMD movies are region locked. However, there are exceptions to rules, and there was talk that some if not all of the PSPorn movies weren't going to be region locked.

Anyway, it seems like nobody will ever know if they're region locked. Hell, I was never going to get any PSPorn anyway. I have no PSP. I was just curious.


The japanese have always been either Unusual or very Intresting.

The japanese law permits public hair to be show but cannot show other disgusting parts or action like eating Sh....t or a whole pack of guys coming (deliberately mispelled) on one's face??!!

I have a Japanese PsP from Nov,2004 Ver 1.0 and I've tried to play Spiderman 2 UMD North American but said it no compatible but games are ok

I've also have a V1.5 PsP American model and tried to play my Japanese UMD's and also got the same results.

I would think or may be wrong that Sony would put the same protection to protect their users. Of course, this doesn't extend to other countries.

Stupid or not stupid, these companies are still making money whether you like it or not. It doesn't bother me because it's from me.

No matter how these porn or mature content is distrubuted it all comes down to the sellers and people who buy them. The same for Mature rated games not to sold to kids 18 and under, but they stil play the game and learn the bad influences. What would you have, people killing each other for a pack of gum or people learning what they already have?


Excuse me, but I'm having trouble deciphering just what the fuck you're contributing to the discussion.