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40mhz crystal ocillators

Started by TJ_Kat, June 01, 2005, 07:08:08 AM

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Does anyone happen to have a few 40mhz crystal ocillators that they wouldn't mind.... giving me? *cough*

No one around here carries them. Once place offered to order for me, but I suspect, to get one, they would just go to ebay for it... which I can do myself and not have to pay them commision.

And even if no one wants to give them away, I am willing to pay a reasonable price for them. I just can't find them. I haven't been to Radio Shack yet, but I am resisting that if at all possible.


QuoteNo one around here carries them. Once place offered to order for me, but I suspect, to get one, they would just go to ebay for it... which I can do myself and not have to pay them commision.

or more likely order it from their trade supplier/importer. If you're in the US (you mentioned Radio Shack) then go for a mail-order supplier like digikey, futurlec, etc.


No, the guy at the counter said he was going to search on the internet to see if he could find one... That leads me to believe their normal suppliers don't carry them. Of course, their supplier could carry them, but they might only ship in big lots, and they won't place an order just so I can have 2 or 3.


Rat shack doesnt have them. Let me look at a dead motherboard I have laying around tonight and I will tell you if I find one.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


Anyone know where I would 'find' a 10Mhz crystal?
I need one for a circuit I was looking at building (it's way down my list though... may never get around to it...)


No luck, I only have a 25mhz osc.


forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


i have at least one used 40mhz crystal. i found it on an old motherboard, i might have more if you want me to look.


I always like having more than one of something... means I can break one and all is not lost =p

Even on eBay, the pickings are slim =\


   Try digging through old ISA video cards, I found one that way once.


okay, since some phreak who shall remain nameless WAS feeling charitable, I now have oscillators. however, I've run into a problem; my guide uses oscillators with 4 leads, and the ones phreak sent me only have 2. now, phreak assured me that I hook either lead to the 5v, and the other to where I want it to go, and then solder the housing itself to the ground (this would give me the equivalency to a 4 lead oscillator; for my purposes anyway). he guaranteed me this would work, and I was ready to get started, but then he kept talking, using words like "I think...", "maybe", and other such uncertainties, and now I have my doubts.

I have a very precise soldering job ahead of me, and I don't need a simple one like this frying things because of some misinformation.

sorry phreak, no disrespect intended buddy, you just didn't fill me with a whole lot of confidence. ;-)


That sounds right to me, "phreak assured me that I hook either lead to the 5v, and the other to where I want it to go, and then solder the housing itself to the ground (this would give me the equivalency to a 4 lead oscillator; for my purposes anyway)."

Ive been playing around with some of the 4-legged type, only 3 pins are used. You've got the +5v supply line, a ground pin and an output. The remaining pin (NC, or the one with the dot) is not used.

Perhaps this helps you a bit.


*phreak97 pokes his tongue out at tj: SEE! I TOLD YOU SO! :P


*sticks his tongue back out at phreak* yeah, you told me several things. If you cover enough ground in your explanations, you're bound to get something right eventuall, right?  :P