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Anyone know if I can fix my Jap Saturn?

Started by corin hetherington, April 29, 2005, 07:34:42 PM

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corin hetherington

I was wondering if anyone can help me the other day I plugged in the wrong lead in to the back of my Japanese saturn and there was a flash and no more Saturn is there anyway of fixing it please?


you might be lucky, you could have just blown a fuse.


Can you be more specific about what model Saturn you have? Whether you have the grey V-Saturn or the white Mark-II Saturn or a later model (like the Skeleton) will determine the likelihood that you have fried your power supply. Some versions are more common than others, and it might also be possible to swap in a power supply from a Saturn made for your own region.

Which leads me to my other question, what region are you in? I'm guessing that you're in Europe or the UK, given that you used the word 'lead' rather than 'cord.' I'm also guessing that you were using a step-down convertor, which is why using the wrong wire might have blown your power supply. Either way, we should talk more once we have more information.

-KKC, who is not near a GameCrazy store to take advantage of the ridiculous sale...


IT is the the white Saturn and I live in the uk I plugged in a playstation lead by mistake as it looked exactly the same as my stepdown lead.


If you had a 220v connection on the back of your white JPN-region Saturn for any length of time, you would most likely have burned out more than a fuse. You might find it cheaper just to replace the whole unit with another Japanese Saturn, but if you're able to come across parts then it's definitely worth exploring replacing the power supply. Your options are to just swap in a power supply from another JPN or USA region Saturn unit, or to swap in one from a UK region unit and forgo the whole step-down conversion altogether. Make sure you're getting a supply from a later Mark-II Saturn.

Just to give Phreak's theory some equal time though, it's hard to tell what's actually broken without looking at it. It might be worth having a professional take a look at the power board and see if there's something easy to replace or repair. Hope this is helpful.

-KKC, who has an urge to screw with the Microsoft MVP's regarding home Xbox repair now...


Hi thanks for you,re help friends I have taken the lid of the Saturn and I can see that a fuse on the board near where you plug in the power lead is black and looks to be blow but it seems to be soldered to the board are these replacable?


yes, it is fairly easy to replace. if you desolder it, you can take the fuse to an electronics store. if they cannot give you another fuse with leads attached, they should be able to give you a socket and replacement fuse. if the socket wont fit on the board, you might need to add a couple of wires so itll all reach where it needs to go.

kendrick: the reason i said fuse right away, is that he said there was a flash.. only flash i ever saw from anything not containing some kind of light emitting device was when my vcr fried its psu for no good reason and blew the fuse. it blew so violently the glass broke. :P
