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saturn video help

Started by ducktapevoodoo, April 21, 2005, 03:02:29 PM

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does anyone know of a way to replace my av output on my saturn without using the existing av jack  the system still seems to boot games i can see whats fried on teh board i just need a new way to display video


can you take a picture of what's fried?


i dont have a digital camera  im gonna try and scare one up  before the end of the day


post pics when you can, it might be an easy part replacement..

ps. you are aware that the tape you refer to in your name is actually written 'Duct Tape' right? it's made for ducting, not ducks:P but its a really common mistake, im sure nobody will care either way.


its purpously like that DUCKtape is a brand of ducttape


really? i guess we dont get that here.


Quotedoes anyone know of a way to replace my av output on my saturn without using the existing av jack  the system still seems to boot games i can see whats fried on teh board i just need a new way to display video

Try this:

Then look for the AV port pinout of the saturn. You may have to take off the fried jack by using a solder pen because it might have a shorted some connections. Use the composite video, stereo L, stereo R and GROUND to have a nice AV output. Then convert it to RCA jack, in that way you dont have to use the supplied saturn av cord. goodluck :)


i find it hard to believe the jack itself is fried, unless someone stabbed it with a soldering iron. those jacks can take way more current than youll ever put through it with a few av signals. you'd be hooking it up to mains before it even shows signs of heating up. it's much more likely to be a component or trace on the motherboard.


theres 2 fried jumpers in front of the av jack


there are a few different saturns, but the one im looking at doesnt have jumpers near the controller ports.. are you sure theyre not resistors? are they labled R##? or do you mean the black things? cos those arent jumpers, theyre some other crap i forget what:P i think theyre an inductor and a filter all in one or something, but dont quote me on that:P.. if you can take pictures of what's fried, im sure someone, if not myself, will be able to tell you what to replace them with.


dont worry about it i bough  a new one already