Help with SNES RGB

Started by Night_Stalker, September 15, 2004, 03:07:28 PM

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All right, I bought an SNES scart cable off of, and I am trying to hook it up to my NEC CM-2791 RGB monitor. I basically took off the SCART lead and reattached the appropriate wires to a DB9 plug so I could plug it into my monitor. I turn it on, and I get picture, but it is quite unstable and not clear at all. My impression is that the sync pin on the SCART lead is wired to the composite video pin on the other end of the cable, because that would explain why it is screwing up, as my monitor does not seperate composite sync from composite video. I guess that would mean that I would have to acquire an LM1881 chip, but then I remembered that the SNES (and yes this is the old school SNES I am dealing with here) outputs composite sync directly. So if everything is happening like I think it is, I should be able to solder a wire directly from the composite sync pin on the other end of the RGB cable and I should be set, right?

So what I ask of you guys is this:

1. Is my assumption about the composite video pin correct?
2. If so, would it be better to try and remove the casing around the AV out connector to access the composite sync directly, or would it be better to use the LM1881 to remove the sync?
3. If not, what other possible factors could there be as to why it is not working correctly?

Thanks in advance.


You're on the ball, so to speak. You have a sync issue there. SCART cables, as a rule, have composite video output, but no sync. You'll have to the LM1881 circuit, which really isn't that difficult to build. ;) Don't go taking apart your lead or SNES; that'll just lead you to trouble (voice of experience here). Best of luck. Hope you'll be RGBing soon. :)


Just as a worthless addition to the conversation...  Some SNES connectors are really easy to disassemble and rewire.  I've made RGB cables out of 2-3 1st-party SNES AV cables, they're tricky but they are ok with a rewiring.  If you're not a klutz you might consider trying this before going through the LM1881 motions.  


Well, I took apart the lead, and rewired it and everything looks and sounds great. Thanks for your help guys.



Hey, glad you got it to work. I never could get that rewiring thing down. I mean, I had no trouble taking the connector apart or rewiring. I just could never get it back together again... :lol: