RGB to Component

Started by downsouth420, April 10, 2006, 12:57:11 PM

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Hello. My RGB monitor went by the wayside years ago, and I don't have the money to seek out another one that I can use my Saturn, Dreamcast, and Genesis 1 on. But I do (of course) have a component TV. So of course, the question is: Is there a way to convert RGB to Component? I am somewhat new to messing with RGB, so please be clear and simple and tell me what I need.


There is a very usable search function below, this came up when I searched for "component" http://nfggames.com/forum/index.php?showto...39&hl=component . Everyone can make mistakes and forget things but now you know the next time you wonder something :-) Hope the thread I linked to will be useful for you.