Good place to buy MC14577 ICs ?

Started by Moosmann, June 12, 2004, 05:23:23 AM

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Dear Sirs,
I`m from germany and I need the MC 14577 ICs to make a (better ?) Colorbooster for my RGB modded AV-Famicom -->

Where can I buy them ? I haven`t found a Electronic Component Shop in germany which sells them :-(

Bye Markus

PS: I`m sorry, but my english isn`t the best ;)


Hi, Moosmann.

As my respect for your efforts, I'll try to answering your question.

I'm afraid that [MOTLOLA] MC14577 had discontinued several years ago.
At present, I use and recommend [NEW JAPAN RADIO] NJM2267 (dual video amp with 75ohms driver) instead.
Or maybe you can use some video amp ICs.

NJM2267 are available also in Deutschland.
But as far as I know, there are few differences between "available" and "unavailable" for amateur hobbyists XD

I suggest that you try to apply "N64 colorbooster" in this forum to "New Famicom RGB buffer amp".
Although I don't know the detail of PAL standard, I think that there is no matter.