Dive on Beep version any different?

Started by zazi77, May 22, 2017, 04:24:48 AM

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Is the beep version of dive on different from the orignal one?


Finally picked this one up.  It actually includes a new version of the game that is meant to be harder.  You don't start with the options anymore, you get them when you pickup a shield powerup.  It's a bit more intense and the superior version overall, but gameplay was never Dive On's strong point.  Worth picking up for the cheap price.


any idea how to install it on hard drive ?


Very easy.
1.  Make a folder on your main boot partition called DIVEON.
2.  Then use COPYALL to copy all the files to the directory.
3.  Edit the DIVE_ON.CFG file and change the final "dip-switch" from 0 to 1 to tell the game you are playing off HDD.
4.  Edit the Autoexec.bat and add a SUBST A: A:\Games\DIVEON  (The game expects to be on the root of the drive, so use this if you want to put it in a "Games" folder)
5.  Run the Autoexec.bat to play the game.
6.  To save some space you can delete the DISKCOPY.X and DC.Bat files.

Note, this game uses 2HDE (9-sector 1.44MB) disk format in order to squeeze all the data on a single disk.
On system boot, the 2HDEIPL is activated and the format can be read.  However Human68K does not have native support for 9-sector formats.  So you will need to load the 9SCSET driver before you can access the files.


sorry for late reply but thank you very much for your answer will try it soon !
just a question : where is the "\" character on the x68000 keyboard ?


ok found : \ is ¥
thx to facebook x68k fan club :)