Compact IO board flatcable replacement?

Started by corpsicle, December 03, 2015, 04:56:06 PM

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Anyone know what kind of flatcable the IO board in the Compact uses, and where to get new ones (if possible)?
One pin on one of my cables is crooked.
It still works but i guess its just a matter of time before it will fall off.


We've discussed this on IRC, but for everyone else's benefit, the cable used (as seen on most LCDs, Saturn CD ROM drives, etc etc) is made by Sumitomo, and it's not tremendously difficult to find replacement cables on ebay (and probably other places).

Be super careful with the ones you have, but it shouldn't be too hard to improvise a fix in the future if it finally fails.


If anyones interested, i found these that corresponds to the numbers written on the ones in the compact.