Outrun on X68k possible?

Started by Dal, February 26, 2015, 07:19:57 AM

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There is an open source version of Outrun based on the original arcade ROMs called Cannonball. Someone in the Amiga community is talking of working on a port so I wondered if anyone here with good coding skills might be tempted to look at an X68k version?



I think using the XSP sprite library would be a good idea for this. However, I have no idea how demanding the game is even without graphics. The original arcade version uses two CPUs it could be quite a challenge.



I tried.. what was it? a year or something ago.. To get a project rolling to get something like Outrun on the X68k.. Most people where not that interested.. and the ones who where, soon lost interest not long after.. so the little 'project' ground to a halt and died.

Someone else discussed or asked about it some time later? was it Eidis? It was an interesting discussion.. but nothing came of it.

It's damn shame really.. I know the X68k will never be able to deliver anything like the arcade board the original Outrun ran on.. (it had dual 10Mhz 68k cpu's and a custom designed graphics chip set that could display more hardware sprites on screen at once than the X68k's Video Controller chip set could.. Plus it also had in hardware sprite scaling)

But I know.. at least an XVI machine would be able to deliver a version of Outrun that's a bit better than the Mega Drive port of it, at least.


Honestly my biggest draw to having outrun on the 68k is the music.  I'd love to see nice FM and MIDI compositions done for it.  I know the music is out there already but it would be awesome in game.  Nice cm-64 and sc-55 mixes like what Dracula does.


Quote from: BlueBMW on March 07, 2015, 06:44:20 AM
Honestly my biggest draw to having outrun on the 68k is the music.  I'd love to see nice FM and MIDI compositions done for it.  I know the music is out there already but it would be awesome in game.  Nice cm-64 and sc-55 mixes like what Dracula does.

Drool  :P


Quote from: BlueBMW on March 07, 2015, 06:44:20 AM
Honestly my biggest draw to having outrun on the 68k is the music.  I'd love to see nice FM and MIDI compositions done for it.  I know the music is out there already but it would be awesome in game.  Nice cm-64 and sc-55 mixes like what Dracula does.

Or just do what I do, record that music into wav files then play Cannonball on your PC (supports custom wavs).