Help requested: RAMDISK Setup

Started by e1000, December 23, 2014, 09:53:42 PM

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Hi everyone,

I have a X68 with more than 2 MiB.

I would like to setup a RAMDISK on it and use it as a "virtual drive" to copy things and doing some temporary stuff.

Through some research I found many tools on link below.

I'll research more, however I would like to know whether you folks have some guide to RAMDISK setup on X68000.

Thanks in advance.


 Hi E1000 !

It looks like Hramdisk is the most popular.

Hi-Speed RAMdisk driver version 4.21 By ,lake_up.

Copy hramdisk.sys and hc.x to A:\SYS and add the following line at the end of config.sys


In this case 1024 kb will be allocated for RAM disk. You can easily verify it with LHES. Use NumPad "1" or "3" to swith to next or previous drive untill you'll see an empty drive. Press "I" key, then "Enter" key and it will show the summary of selected drive.

P.S. "\" is represented by Yen sign.

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.



Hey Eidis,

Thank you so much! I'll try here and keep you posted.

Best regards,



Hi Eidis,

Your hint worked like a charm.

The RAMDISK is created as drive C:.

Just FYI: I'm using the RAMDISK as a buffer to store XDF images, thus mkimg works faster.

This way:

  • Burn XDF images to CD-ROM
  • X68 reads images from CD thru SCSI
  • Images are staged into RAMDISK
  • mkimg writes XDF into floppies

Thanks and best regards.