Human OS serious bug with long folder names

Started by Dal, September 22, 2014, 05:40:09 PM

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I had an interesting experience this morning while adding some games to my external CF card.

it seems that while HumanOS is happy to allow folder names >8 characters long, you must be cautious with it. 

I created 2 folders: 'Populous' and 'Populous2', then wrote a !Start.bat file in 'Populous'.  After confirming it all worked, I thought I'd copy !Start.bat from my 'Populous' folder to 'Populous2' - this gave me a curious error basically stating that the source and target cannot be the same(!)

so I entered 'cd Populous2' followed by 'dir' and to my surprise, my !Start.bat file was listed.  I ran it and Populous ran (not Populous 2 as I expected).

This lead me to try a few other whacky things out.  I've discovered that when Human OS encounters a directory name that is greater than 8 characters long, it goes into a sort of no-mans-land.  It seems like only the first 8 characters of a folder name passed into a command are actually validated properly; Human OS appears to find the first match and go with that.  For example, I could also enter 'cd populousabcdefghij' and still land in the 'Populous' directory(?).  it's only when I try 'cd populousabcdefghijk' that I get "Directory Not Found".

In conclusion, my Populous2 directory is not accessible at all through HumanOS. :-/

It's probably best to keep to 8.3 file/folder names I think.


 Hi Dal !

This is not really a bug, but a well known fact which applies to file names as-well. Use TwentyOne if you want long file name support.

TwentyOne v1.36C +14

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Yeah, some limitation I would say, wich is not exclusive to HumanOS.

Because of this, I had to rename hundreds of files to 8.3 format to have a CDROM with  software I can easily copy to the local hd and create floppy images with mkimg.



 Hi Dal !

On the contrary, sorry for not including this information in the Wiki earlier.

Connecting and preparing a hard drive on SASI machine

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.