Step Down Converter to use Sharp X68000 in UK

Started by swisstoni, March 01, 2014, 09:34:57 PM

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Hi ive just become the owner of a Sharp X68000 Compact and cant wait to start using it Ive been told I need a step down converter to use it in the UK can anyone recommend a good cheap one as im not sure what type I need to purchase as they seem to be different depending on the amount of watts required.

Many Thanks


CompactXVI power absorption go from 26W to a 56W, voltage is 100V.I think this stepdown converted is good for you, it's also oversized (1000W) but it will output 100V compared to 110V of most others:


Thanks for the reply, was looking to purchase one from a shop in the UK would this one be good enough?


Yes, it's good, it's the same I use for all my japanese machines.


What's the impact on Japanese hardware of using 110 volts instead of 100 volts?
Easier to cook eggs on power supplies? ;)