Neo Geo 2 Player port

Started by segagamer, January 25, 2012, 11:24:49 PM

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Hi! I'm new in town so please sorry if I make mistakes n' for my english, I'm from Spain. Ok, that's the point, I have a Neo Geo waiting for a new bios (Got the chip already), the video have been moded to RGB 'cause of vertical columns (it was funny to see the change), the audio stereo output only give to me one channel (gonna check it out) but the worts thing at all is that...when I start a 2 players game the player 2 is always moving up, I mean, for example, KOF 98 I don't touch anything but the 2 player fighter is alwais jumping, when I push down in the pad it stop but stay stand, not on his knees. Any suggestions? I'm thinking about remove the port all the way and resold but....quite a mess! I guess is something wrong between 15,7 and 8(5v) pins but I don't know for a sure. Anyone knows what to do? Starting point? Thanks.
??? ??? ???


It's probably nothing that serious, if it's a problem you can fix by re-doing the port, you'll see it.  Check the board physically and look for shorts around the P2 UP pin.  Follow the traces and find the resistor that holds the pin high, it may be blown so that this input is always grounded.  In fact, that's my first guess.


please make sure it is really a problem with the console before repairing it. The problem may be inside the joypad too.  Just sayin'  8)