In need of some Gamecube controller parts

Started by TrekkiesUnite118, May 17, 2010, 03:58:58 PM

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So I lent my cousin one of my Gamecube controllers and got it back today to find it to be pretty beat up. It looks as though someone repeatedly smacked it against concrete as the entire shell is scraped and all the buttons are scraped badly as well. Some of them even have huge chunks missing. The Analog Stick and C Stick are badly scratched and have hunks missing out of them too. The L/R buttons aren't too bad but still have some minor scratches I can feel. Pretty much the only pieces that are not damages are the start button and the D-Pad (I guess that tiny depressed D-pad is good for something after all).

I've decided to try and get replacement parts to repair it as the controller still works, it's just badly bunged up and uncomfortable to hold. I've already found and ordered new A, B, X, Y, Z, and Start buttons on ebay (They were a set) and a new shell. I can find an analog cap easily but I am having trouble finding a new C-Stick cap and L/R buttons. Does anyone have any suggestions on where I could find these or have any spares they'd be willing to give/sell to me?


might not be worth it as I'm in New shipping will be expensive. But I can give you a C-stick cap for $7USD including postage, just let me know. yea, I know, someone with 1 post offering to sell something..never a good look. but paypal offers buyer protection, and you can check me out (same username) at benheck. Just trying to help you out  :)

EDIT: woah.. I didn't realise it was an old post! it was only like 7 down the page..guess I'm not used to slow forums :o bad


You don't need replacement pad parts, you need a replacement cousin.