Game Gear screen problem after replacing capacitors

Started by Kajuna, February 06, 2011, 06:21:02 AM

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I've replaced all (sound and motherboard) capacitors of my Game Gear, it worked well for some hours, but then the screen started to do strange things: vertical and horizontal stripes, and flickering. Now it works this way most of the time. I'm almost sure I had seen this problem BEFORE the capacitor fix, but just a few times.

Here you can see the problem:

Secuencia 07

Thanks in advance for any help.


My first guess is a cold solder joint. I had that sort of behavior on the first Game Gear I repaired that way, because dropping an electrolytic cap lead onto a surface-mount pad is a less than perfect connection already.

See if you can reflow some of the new solder joints? Barring that, you might also want to use some of the old leaded solder for a more solid connection. I like to harvest old solder from pre-1990 PC circuit boards. You can also occasionally find spools of it in flea market radio stalls, even though it's technically illegal to sell it now.


Well, I rechecked and resoldered all the capacitors and the problem is still there... I dont have much experience on soldering, so I don't dare to do many experiments... :S


I am pretty sure the smaller white horizontal lines won't be fixable.
I have 3 GGs and one has them, probably the screen is just damaged.

The other stripes look like a more fixable problem (I would check the ribbon cable which goes from the motherboard to the screen).