Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 100E

Started by Drewman21, October 20, 2009, 11:45:48 PM

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I just found 2 of these Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 100E at work that i have a chance at grabbing for free today or tomorrow before they are tossed out. I can't seem to find much info on it. I was wondering if anyone knows if they will work as a RGBS monitor. I'll post a picture if i can of the back but it has both BNC connectors and a VGA port along with some kind of serial port and a 75ohm switch on the back.



Most monitors in that series seem to have a horizontal sync range starting at 30kHz, so -as far as I understand it, and there are much more qualified people who can chime in here- the answer is "no" if you're looking to connect up 15.6kHz RGB (like most consoles use).


If it helps at all, I used to have a Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 91. It was VGA only, no 15kHz support, no sync on green; though it did composite sync just fine and worked well with RGsB consoles when using the common LM1881 sync splitter circuit.


Did it filter out the "s" from the G signal or you got that "slightly greener" tint from such solution ?

I mean that the LM1881 circuit does not strip the G out of the sync, resulting on a "polluted" G signal.

That gives the monitor image an unpleasant green tint.


That's why you get a Diamond Pro series monitor (I have a DP900u)!  These have BNC and DSUB inputs without hardwired video cables!  Even better, they support all of the sync configurations (composite sync and SoG)!  Though when using SoG, the "Clamp" position needs to be changed, since the "front" or "back setting (forget which one for SoG) will still show the green tint if set incorrectly.  However, none of the flat faced Mitsubishi computer monitors accept 15kHz, only VGA and above. 

I don't believe Mitsubishi made any of the large presentation monitors with this style of tube either.  Large presentation monitors almost always accept 15kHz... not my CTX MS2900... but that is an exception, as it's only a computer monitor.


The Diamond Plus 91 also had the same clamp adjustment option that RGB32E mentioned which corrects the green tint.