[Sega Saturn] Sebs Switchless mod help

Started by jcarvalho, June 27, 2013, 11:12:33 AM

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Hi guys, performed the mod, burned a pic16f630, and installed the mod.
The saturn is switching right, I can see in the preferences menu that is saying pal xxx and NTSC acording to the led's color.
The problem is that I have an PAL console and in pal mode an original game wont boot it says that is not the correct region version game and plays like an audio cd. the laser unit is working good because I have tested it in a non moded console and boots originals.
Does anybody had the same problem? what could be wrong?
Like in tutorial, I have soldered wires on jumper 6, 10 and 12, using the INNER pads... like this could this be wrong?
Many thanks,


My Saturn had a ground trace over one of those jumpers, without it being hard jumpered.
You should triple check that common points of the JPx aren't connected in any way to +5V or GND by tiny traces. If so, use your x-acto knife blade to interrupt them, solder back and you'll do the trick.