PS2 SCPH-39001 Cannibalization RGB > Component

Started by ken_cinder, January 26, 2009, 03:18:03 PM

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Not sure how clear my thread title is, but I'm wondering if any of the chips on this PS2 model can be cannibalized in order to make your own RGB > Component converter.

I've got 2 boards here I'm otherwise throwing right into the garbage. If I can salvage a couple chips to make a converter myself, I'd love to.


I guess nobody has any idea, I don't either. I'd assume the CXM4000R on these is the chip responsible for the video conversions, but I cannot find a datasheet for it at all.



Sweet, thank you. Looks a bit confusing, but maybe I can work something. Worst case, I'm no worse off than I already was.