Sony g400 19" monitor accept 15khz rgb? rgb to vga

Started by Holering, November 14, 2008, 07:04:06 PM

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Well I'm looking to getting this 19" monitor for 20 bucks (unless someone already beat me to it...) and was curious if it'll accept 15khz over vga (scart rgb to vga)? Anyone know? What about 53hz midway arcade games?


"Don't need to ask my name to figure out how cool I am."


Well I got the monitor yesterday and holy smokes this thing has beautiful picture! The colors are so nice! This thing actually goes up to 1800X1440. I've read a review saying saying how this monitor looks so great though the dot pitch isn't supposed to go up to 1800X1440 though it still looks very sharp (no bluriness at all like those cheap sylvania monitors... UGH). It looks like a sharp 1800X1440 to me (may be I'm an idiot. Oh well I'm a happy one!). It was only 20 bucks! LOL! These things sold for over 700 bucks. I like the size aswell it's like a 19 inch tv really though it seems bigger since it's flat screen and you can go up closer to it (it is a monitor...). It does widescreen resolutions so I'm gonna have to try that xvga2 thing with the ps3-component cables and see what it looks like. DREAMCAST VGA YES!! Hell this thing'll be my main viewing source lol

Ok sorry that was ridiculous but yeah I really do like this monitor an am happy I came across it. So does anyone else have this monitor or have tested it with any jamma boards or systems? It is a multisync monitor so I am very curious.

And to the previous poster: Do you know for a fact this thing doesn't do 15khz or was that more like a "most likely not" kinda answer? I really do hope this thing does 15khz. I yeah it's even got 2 vga inputs aswell


Did you even bother to read the link he gave you? This monitor ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT do 15khz. Say's right in it's spec sheet what it's freq range is. 30-107khz.


Well I did bother to read it after you asked... sorry

But according to this this monitor may function and in that link posted it says External Sync Signals
Separate HD/VD, polarity-free TTL
External Composite, polarity-free TTL
Sync on Green 0.3 p-p±10%, negative

does that possibly mean I won't need a sync splitter if it did work?

I also wanted to mention that this monitor can go to a higher resolution and some higher refresh rates as compared to what the manual-specs state so this is yet another reason why I though it'd be very possible to do 15khz.

Has anyone tested with a (i think it's a dell) P991 monitor? Its the same monitor just rebranded