The Super Famicom classic controller - opened (and no I don't mean the box)

Started by duo_r, October 06, 2008, 10:08:33 AM

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so I got a Super Famicom Classic controller. I couldn't find anything on the internet on it besides a youtube video of someone openeing up the box (lame). So I opened my up today and here is what is inside:

main control chip (this is how it is marked):

|           ** |
|  FNURVL   |   
|  A   405    |
|   751KM    |

Looking online it seams a similar chip is used on the Nunchuck and the Wii Classic controller. Also looks like little is known about this chip, and there isn't a source for them besides the actual controllers.

The reason I am interested in this is I want to find one of these and start making classic controllers that plug into wiimote instead of having to use the gamecube ports.

I will post up pictures of the PCB later, but there isn't anything else exciting on this board - just that main chip. That is the only thing standing in my way of creating some retro wireless controllers (well that and figuring out the 5V line). This chip is also very tiny, smaller than the size of my pinky nail - and it has 48 pins! Of course only a very small % of the pins are actually used.


It's almost certainly a microcontroller of some description, no doubt with undumpable custom code.  My guess is that, until someone cleverer than me REs the communication, your only option is to buy this or 3rd party pads and gut them.


Quote from: duo_r on October 06, 2008, 10:08:33 AM
I will post up pictures of the PCB later, but there isn't anything else exciting on this board
I would love to see some pictures/scans of both sides of the PCB if its not too much trouble  :)