NTSC Nintendo64 RGB Booster hard time identifying the type of Transistor i need

Started by s8n, July 29, 2008, 11:00:54 PM

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hi again , im looking to get Transistors for the NTSC Nintendo 64 RGB Booster but having a hard time identifying the type i need


i shop at Farnell


any help is sweet



Heres another guide to the RGB booster (It can be put in the console or the scart cable):-

You are supposed to use BF494 Transistors, but I cant find them readily available anywhere. At the end of the guide he mentions that he has also read you can use NTE229 transistors - but these dont seem to be any easier (or cheaper) to find either!

I am sorry I couldnt be of more help  :(

Like you I would also love to know if there are any other easily available/cheap transistors types that can be used for the N64 RGB booster.

<EDIT> I have emailed a few electronics sellers and one suggested that the BC184 would be a suitable equivelant - could anybody take a look at this pdf datasheet and let me know what you think?:-


With transistors it isn't very important what you use, as long as they're NPN as the guide calls for, and you get the collector/emmiter/base right. Just get whatever NPNs you can find and you should be fine.


Quote from: albino_vulpix on July 30, 2008, 07:12:46 AM
With transistors it isn't very important what you use, as long as they're NPN as the guide calls for, and you get the collector/emmiter/base right. Just get whatever NPNs you can find and you should be fine.
Really?  :o
I thought the ratings/values of transistors were important?

...and please dont take this the wrong way - but why would they specify to use "BF494 Si-N 260MHz Transistors" in the guides if the ratings/values were not important?
(I dont totally understand transistors myself, even though I have read up on them ::))

Also, is there any chance you could take a quick look at the BC184 datasheet and let me know what you think?

...just want to be sure before I end up damaging my TV.

Thanks for your help  ;D


hiya Link83 , albino

thanx very much for your replies and great info , emailing a few electronics shops was outstanding.  I have located them at Farnell which is great

btw Link83 your N64 RGB mod is awesome , im not into N64 much more PSX 1 but those screenshots are amazing.



Quote from: s8n on July 30, 2008, 09:26:10 PM
thanx very much for your replies and great info , emailing a few electronics shops was outstanding.  I have located them at Farnell which is great
Well done  :) I hope it works well for you

Quote from: s8n on July 30, 2008, 09:26:10 PM
btw Link83 your N64 RGB mod is awesome , im not into N64 much more PSX 1 but those screenshots are amazing.
Thanks very much  ;D
In case anybody is wondering, I am very happy with my current N64 RGB mod. I only want to try the 'boosted' method to see if there is any difference, as the N64 RGB booster is the only RGB mod method I havent yet tried, so I would like to compare them  ;)

<EDIT 29/08/08> I just wanted to add that I tried to build Waltarzar's N64 RGB amp using BC184 transistors instead of BF494's and it didnt work  :(

I guess the transistor code is important even though both the BF494 and BC184 are NPN transistors. The BC184 even says on the datasheet it is designed for 'small signal amplifiers and drivers' so I really thought it would work - oh well!  :D

I have now managed to find an electronics supplier on eBay based in Hong Kong who has BF494's available, so all being well I will be ordering some from them.

One last thing to add, I just downloaded the Philips 'electronics equivalents' book and have found out that the NTE229 is the 'Philips equivalent' of the BF494 - so the NTE229 should work just as well as the BF494, if you can find them  ;)