Mega Drive / Genesis 1 S-Video mod

Started by l_oliveira, May 15, 2008, 02:26:08 PM

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Is there any interest on this ?

TV2008051501090400.jpg  <- CVBS
TV2008051501092500.jpg  <- SVIDEO


Absolutely! We've discussed Genesis S-video mods here before but show us what you've put together. :)


Richter X

I'd love to get my hands on a chip that can do both S-Vid and component. It seems very strange that most of them out there will do YCrCb internally, but then they downconvert that to S-Video.


Right now I tried to hook the CXA1145 "directly" to the TV (using the same interface circuit as I would use for a CXA1645) but turns out that certain luminance levels cause image distortion. At the moment I am researching on the best way to isolate the output from the CXA1145 chip.

As you could see on the pictures, the luminance levels on the Mega CD screen were not high enough to cause issues. As a game is started the "Licenced   or manufaturated by Kabushiki Kaisha SEGA enterprises" screen distorts due to the white background. It stabilizes once it turns black.

I'll post the circuit and pictures once it's complete.


Turned out this stuff has been done before. I scrapped what I've done and did this S-Video mod:
The RF Modulator was removed and the S-Video connector took it's place.

This is how my video looks like now:

TV2008051702112000.jpg (Composite Video)
TV2008051702112900.jpg (S-Video)


you uploaded the same file twice.

but anyway, i think the component video mod has been more interesting to me anyway, though the most expensive..  but the results are spectacular.

Tiido Priimägi

The component thing is not really a mod... just a pre made RGB to Component converter which you hook up to your RGB outputting device... but it is the best choice for people without RGB inputted TVs... I want something that works the other way, Component to RGB...
Mida sa loed ? Nagunii aru ei saa ;)


It's as much as a mod as the S-video one is, since the VDP is RGB only.  You should know this.

An encoder is an encoder.  One is internal, one is external.


1st-  composite
2nd- s-video

Now properly uploaded.

You might laugh but I don't have a TV set with component video input. So I'm pretty satisfied with S-Video...


I hate to gloat but... oh the joys of having a SCART socket on my TV :)
I've been RGB on my Megadrive since the mid-90s and very happy thanks.

Tiido Priimägi

unfortunately US people had to be happy with the oh so good composite and RF... I hate FC and their clones... no RGB of any kind !!!
Mida sa loed ? Nagunii aru ei saa ;)