PS2 480i over component- poor contrast on certain models?

Started by kyouki, October 18, 2007, 10:03:36 PM

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I had posted about this earlier but found some more information after some testing that really threw me for a loop.  I didn't have time to modify the post, so I deleted it as I didn't want anyone potentially wasting their time suggesting things I had already tried!

Anyway, I picked up a Viewsonic NextVision N6 so I could use my PS2 when my wife is watching TV.  I have a later model pstwo (not sure of the version).  I was using Sony brand component cables to go from the PS2 to the N6.

I noticed that while games the run in 480p looked great, games that only ran in 480i looked awful- poor contrast I could not improve no matter how much I tweaked the video settings.  Darker games like Tenchu and Siren were absolutely unplayable.

So as a test I plugged my 360 into the N6 and here were my findings:

1) 360 over composite 480i- looked "good."  Besides the color bleeding and general blurriness, it looked okay.  Contrast was fine (tested with Doom 3, which definitely requires shadow detail to be playable).
2) 360 over component 480i- looked really good!  I was shocked at this point because I had assumed there was either a problem with my N6, or possibly a problem with how the N6 handled 480i-VGA over component.

At this point I didn't know what to think.  So I went and bought a PS2 Svideo cable, hooked it up and was surprised to find out that overall the picture was superior to the component connection.  Although there was some color bleeding, the contrast was excellent.  I started up Siren and was happy to see that the game was playable and looked fine.

I know the XRGB is very popular on this board, but I wonder if anyone else here has tried the N6?  I read one review online that mentioned the poor contrast issue, but the reviewer assumed it was a fault of the N6 rather than something about the component 480i output of the PS2.  I managed to get into touch with another N6 user and he reported similar findings, and is using svideo as a work around.  However, his friend had a different model of PS2 and found that both 480i and 480p looked fine over component on his console.

Any ideas on what's going on? 


Well, the PSTwo IS a cheaper version with smaller, less expensive components.
Given that there is no DAC or anything of the sort in the cable (Like the Gamecube component cable), I would point the finger at the PSTwo video encoder or a related part.

If you're feeling adventurous, maybe you could patch the RGB lines with say, capacitors?.......though I wouldn't touch that if paid to, the original PS2 has small enough components as-is.

I have a fat PS2, and 480i over component on my TV looks 10x better than over composite, and 480p even better.


My PStwo has MUCH better component than my original Xbox..


Quote from: blackevilweredragon on October 19, 2007, 12:21:07 PM
My PStwo has MUCH better component than my original Xbox..
For some reason I couldn't access the site for a few days (Was it down?), been meaning to reply.

Is your Xbox a 1.6 perhaps? The Xcalibur encoder in 1.6's is quite sub-par, and I have noticed a good deal of contrast difference between my 1.6 and 1.1, especially in reds.


Site was down for about 12 hours yesterday, sorry for the inconvenience.  =/


Quote from: IJTF_Cinder on October 26, 2007, 10:21:57 AM
Quote from: blackevilweredragon on October 19, 2007, 12:21:07 PM
My PStwo has MUCH better component than my original Xbox..
For some reason I couldn't access the site for a few days (Was it down?), been meaning to reply.

Is your Xbox a 1.6 perhaps? The Xcalibur encoder in 1.6's is quite sub-par, and I have noticed a good deal of contrast difference between my 1.6 and 1.1, especially in reds.
Mine has the Connexant encoder I think, I just know it has the Samsung DVD drive, and was given to me as a birthday present I think in '04..