hdtv lag problem

Started by mr. newbie, July 24, 2007, 05:33:40 AM

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mr. newbie

at my uni there's a lounge with several hd mistubishi tv's (i'm guessing projection or dlp). i'd like to play street fighter on the tv's. of course normally there would be lag. i'm wondering if i can use the xploder hd disk to upscale the game and eliminate the lag (or at least minimize it)?

i'll try and get the model information soon.


use atleast something that's not interlaced (sadly HDTVs treat 240p as 480i), that will eliminate some lag..

im lucky as my HDTV hardly has any lag for it's 480i/240p input (well, it has lag, but so small, that the nintendo zapper actually partly works!)

mr. newbie

well sf third strike and cvs2 are plain old interlaced. that's why i'm using the blaze. guilty gear is 480p, but i'm guessing the ps2 scales better than the tv.