Genesis strange video output

Started by Guest, April 01, 2007, 06:04:04 AM

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This is what the video signal (composite and RF) looks like on my model 1 genesis when I first start it up. It has these vertical bands in the signal.

I've noticed this on another model 2 that I own. I've tried connecting the consoles to different outlets/tvs/locations and it still remains.

The bands are only this noticeable on start-up but they remain when playing a game if you look hard enough.

Has anyone else noticed this or know what might be causing it?


That's been a problem on every megadrive I've ever owned.  Not entirely sure what causes it.


Oh oh!  I know how to remove it, use a 32X..

It has something to do with the color phase (or is it pulse?) timing I think...  And it's specific to all Genesis models..  But use a 32X, which takes the RGB image and uses it's own funky encoder, and it goes away completely, and even has a slightly cleaner image (less rainbow bands on dithered graphics)


Does this go away with an s-video mod?

I've only used RF and composite outputs and looking at a diagram of the genesis the RF and composite both come off the encoder chip at the same place

Is this even an issue with the encoder?

My CDX doesn't have this issue.


QuoteDoes this go away with an s-video mod?

I've only used RF and composite outputs and looking at a diagram of the genesis the RF and composite both come off the encoder chip at the same place

Is this even an issue with the encoder?

My CDX doesn't have this issue.
Yes, with SVIDEO it goes away.  But be prepared for a heavy mod...