Amstrad CPC 6128 scart

Started by rockj, January 10, 2007, 01:02:08 PM

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Ive done quite some research now on my Amstrad Color Personal Computer 6128. Problem is that I find different types of wires and stuff everywhere. At the moment my male dpin6 goes to the amstrad and makes a female scart plug. ( ) . Does this sound correct? regarding sync/lum for example? I get nice and clear picture on my projector with svideo or composite. My projector supports scart/rgb too if I use a scart male to female vga adapter that followed the projector. With current cable I get no signal on the projector. With an earlier rev. of my cable - It gave signals but projector mentioned too high freq. when I was trying this. (but the picture was not as clear as it was now when using svideo/composite).

I'am wondering what I should do to get colors on my projector? Ive tried to connected it to my NEC Multisync 2080UXi too without success. (it says out of range). My last try is from the tip I readed on gamesx regarding to use old monitors as I know someone with a 21" old monitor which takes RGB on the monitor and connects it with VGA to my SCART-rgb/to/VGA converter. If I still get black and white then....I'm lost.

Anyone have any knownledge about the amstrad cpc 6128?

My projector is a Optoma H27.

Quick restate of problem: I do get clear picture on my projector and it supports all kind of modes and switching input from "Video" and "RGB" . Only working thru s-video and composite. Is black&white in "video" mode on projector and "chromo"green in RGB? Atleast green coloring.

Another question I have is... do the amstrad cpc sync on rgb green? I heard old systems do that, maybe that's my error? As far as I know you could sync on rgb green and vert/horz-sync.



I once had an amstrad CPC464 and I remember it had two monitors available to it, a colour and a monochrome one. The video port outputs RGB and a (TTL) composite sync signal for the colour monitor and a normal video signal (video + sync) for the mono monitor.

If you are connecting this computer directly to your projector via it's SCART connector then follow the diagram on the website and make one (very important) addition. Connect 5 volts (available from your CPC's power supply) through a 180 ohm resistor to pin 16 of the SCART connector. This will put the projector into RGB mode. If the projector isn't in RGB mode it will display the monochrome video signal.

I have no idea what you are doing with VGA adaptors, timing of the video coming from your computer (TV) isn't compattible with any VGA monitor.

The CPC computers don't have any sync on the green signal -- most computer of this era don't.


Ohh - thanks for your information.
You say something there about the amstrad being able to output two different types of signals. one for monochrome and one for rgb. That's why it only showed up as monochromo green on the projector when I switched video over to rgb.

Going to get ahold of a 180ohms resistor tomorrow at shop and and fix this.