Sega Saturn 3-country switch mod

Started by thumpin_termis, January 01, 2007, 12:49:14 PM

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I was looking to do the saturn 3 country switch mod just for the hell of it, and I was looking to order the correct 3-position spdt switch.  However, what's the difference between a:

1. SPDT On-Off-On switch and...
2. SPDT (On)-Off-(On) switch?

Switches on this site

Just a guess, but is the (on) positions for #2 only temporary? (as in it slides back to off if not held down).


Normally if one was a momentary switch (hold on, release and it's off again) it would say so.  An on-off-on has a middle position where no contacts are made.  It's marginally safer than the other kind, but if you a. specify a break-before-make switch it will briefly be OFF anyway, or b. always adjust it with the power off (as you should) it won't matter.

I never really care, even if it's a make-before-break type the contact time is so brief there's no real chance of damage to your Saturn.


It's right there on the page:
Quote( ) Indicates momentary action.
Press it and it springs back when you release. Not much good for what you want unless you hold it down with your toe or something.


QuoteIt's right there on the page:
Quote( ) Indicates momentary action.

Doh!   RTFM

Just what I needed to know - thx for pointing that out.