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wii remote

Started by phreak97, December 15, 2006, 07:50:13 AM

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so what do we know about this so far? i know its bluetooth, and i have a brief idea of how the pointing and motion sensing works, but do we have a pinout for the port at the bottom? or any idea what encoders or decoders are used at each end?
i feel like this thing should be useful...


The bluetooth has already been cracked, there are Windows and Mac drivers I believe.  

I can't even get mine open, there's a clip mechanism at the front of the controller that confounds me.  I don't want to shove a screwdriver in there and muck up the smooth, sexy feel of the thing, nor do I want to just pull at it until something gives...


im more interested in just how the sensors work over all..  ball bearing?