New 3DO, looking for controler pin-outs.

Started by Guest_CZroe, October 22, 2006, 10:58:47 AM

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OK, I recently purchased a new 3DO and 27 games. The controller pinout intrigues me because it has audio output for each player, but each controller daisy-chains to eachother (up to four I hear).

Also, I heard on an old eBay auction that the 3DO version of Street Fighter 2 had a mail-in offer for a 3DO version of the Capcom Pad Soldier, a six button fighting pad. I have the SNES version and have seen the Genesis and PC versions. The standard controller only had three buttons, and I believe the old auction said that they each behaved as two of the four controllers allowed. A setting in-game would be changed to treat them as six-button P1 & P2 pads. I'd love to make arcade controls that replicate this with the flick of a switch.

One more reason is the mechanical 3-button mouse. I am scared to wear it out like all my other mice because I can't simply replace this one unless the pinout is compatible with standard mice. Also, can the mouse be modded with audio output too? ;) Can it be a fifth device in the chain (I don't have enough controllers to test)?

A pin out is a good first step to answering these questions, and I know I would be the last person in the world to figure one out. :(


i can answer at least one point here.
the audio output for each player is moved over by one in each controller, so player one controller will use audio 1, and place audio 2 on the audio 1 pin on the controller input for player 2 (3 goes to 2, 4 goes to 3, etc) i would say it does this with everything, not just the audio, but i havnt looked into it yet. i might though, just thinking about this, i should be able to very easily build a multi-tap, so the controllers no longer need to be daisy chained.. though i need more than one controller first, lol.

so yeah, it should be easy to build a controller which uses two controllers worth of lines.. but i dont know what kind of encoders are in the controllers, i've been into 3do hardware for all of two days.
anyway, remember, the controller input on each controller is not a straight through connector to the console, it mixes and matches wires. i'd say it doesnt do much more though, unless theres a pretty chunky decoder and encoder in every controller, which i doubt.

i think i might do a wiring diagram for a controller at some point, but i want a controller with audio output first, mine doesnt have it.


Quotei can answer at least one point here.
the audio output for each player is moved over by one in each controller, so player one controller will use audio 1, and place audio 2 on the audio 1 pin on the controller input for player 2 (3 goes to 2, 4 goes to 3, etc) i would say it does this with everything, not just the audio, but i havnt looked into it yet. i might though, just thinking about this, i should be able to very easily build a multi-tap, so the controllers no longer need to be daisy chained.. though i need more than one controller first, lol.

so yeah, it should be easy to build a controller which uses two controllers worth of lines.. but i dont know what kind of encoders are in the controllers, i've been into 3do hardware for all of two days.
anyway, remember, the controller input on each controller is not a straight through connector to the console, it mixes and matches wires. i'd say it doesnt do much more though, unless theres a pretty chunky decoder and encoder in every controller, which i doubt.

i think i might do a wiring diagram for a controller at some point, but i want a controller with audio output first, mine doesnt have it.
Well, I read the Wikipedia entry and it appears that it supports up to eight daisy-chained controllers. I guess it doesn't have eight audio outputs!

I just unraveled my second controller... even though it's "the same" in every other way, it's about 50% longer. I'd hate to hear what the audio sounds like after daisy-chaining through eight of these! ;)