The fun never stops.

Started by NFG, September 12, 2003, 12:01:14 AM

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Well happy day.  Running symantec's Welchia Squelcher fucked Zumi's little mebius royally.  XP wouldn't boot past this screen no matter what.  Safe mode, safe mode VGA, safe mode w/networking, command prompt...  Nothing worked.  Got some neat new tools that showed the system was running and on the LAN, with the virus still active no less.  I could access the shared drives, but the roots of C and D weren't shared, so there was nothing to gain there.  

Installed XPPro, which ran nicely to my surprise, but Zumi didn't like her OS in English, so I kept beating on it to get her old OS working.  One USB CD drive later and countless boot discs ...  Here's fun: Make a boot floppy and use Nero to make a bootable CD with that floppy.  Woo, 1.44MB on a CD just to get a DOS prompt - and the windows install failed after 5 mins anyway.

The recovery CD that came with the system had two options: Repave or quit.  That's right, delete everything or cancel the recovery.  Hey, thanks Sharp!  

So I backed up Zumi's email, favourites, and pictures, and repaved the drive.

Total time FUCKING WASTED: 24 hours.

Total gratitude expressed by Zumi so far:  None.

Mood: Unpleasant.


Just reading about experiences like that dulls my mood. I'd like to hear about what the problem turned out to be if you can ever figure it out.


Damn, 24 hours worth of that kinda work should at least guarantee you a solid hour of back massage.  :D  


:ph34r:  Windows sucks but everyone knows that!
Next time ask me for a hand and we goto KICK the pc seller!


QuoteTotal gratitude expressed by Zumi so far:  None.

Mood: Unpleasant.
Well, if you don't want her, I'll take her and add her to my Asian girl collection.

That said, when my Viao harddrive crashed last year with a corrupted boot sector, my recovery CD also formatted the drive.  I lost many fine pictures and the phone number of my future wife I had met a few hours before.

I now cry myself to sleep every night.


at least you haven't been stabbed recently.  

Am I right?


Holy hell, exodus is an "advanced member"

I better quit posting or I'll be next...
