PCE: grounding pin 29

Started by thumpin_termis, December 08, 2006, 05:33:48 PM

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Though I like to tinker around and mod stuff, but I'm still an amateur, and don't know too much about electronics.  All the mods I've done so far were basically following instructions.  (Ones I've done so far are the Sega saturn 2-country switch mod, PSX 7-wire, and DC mods)

So, I have a batch of PC Engines I want to mod to play TurboChips, and I understand one of things I have to do is ground pin 29 of one of the IC chips (the 6280 chip?  IIRC, but not that important for this message..)

Anyway, where can I find the grounding points for,

- CoreGrafx II
- The original black PCE Duo
- SuperGrafx

If there are any resources out there with pics, please share!  Or if that's not around, what I exactly need to look for on the motherboard...

Thx in advance!


Well, the CoreGrafx and CoreGrafx II are the same thing inside.
Also, grounding is basically running a lead to the outer shell of an unused jack.


Ground is easy to find.  It's the large plane that's connected to all the components on the board.  The power switch is a good place to start - the outside shell of it is always grounded.  You could also use a multimeter to look for ground: start with one end on a known ground point (like the last pin on a RAM chip) and look for larger, more solder-friendly poitns.


QuoteThe power switch is a good place to start - the outside shell of it is always grounded. 
Good tip.  The power switch was not far off from pin 29, so I soldered it the point where the outside shell was, and it seemed to work fine.

Thx for the info!