Missing "new" in progress N64 RGB mod

Started by radorn, May 26, 2006, 07:31:39 AM

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Sorry for the maybe misleading title. I'm from Spain, and English is, obviously, not my native language. Sometimes I have difficulties finding "the good way" to say things.

Well. Sometime ago (couple of months, maybe) I saw a thread from a guy that was investigating a new way to add RGB to the N64. He had pictures of it, with a breadboard with some components connected to the console's PCB, and had display showing wave race 64. The image was black & white and it was very distorted, but it was recognisable.

I had my hopes on this, since I'm in PAL territory and my N64 doesn't have the VDC chip, but I'm unable to find it now.
It's not in my bookmarks (I'm sure I saved it), I can't find it here, nor google or anything I tried.
I may be looking in the wrong place, but I'm pretty sure it was here at GamesX or NFG that I saw it back then.

Sorry for the inconvenience if this is not the place.
If anyone knows what I'm talking about, please, lead me to where it is. I'm starting to consider that, maybe, I dreamed it, but I'm sure it was real since I wouldn't just make such a technical thing up... I didn't even know that those things where called breadboards in English before I saw the word in that thread.

Sorry for the long post.


There what your seaching!


Hard to find because it was in console mods insted of RGB monitor ;)

Would be nice to have some feedback and statut of the mod from the guy!



This is it. But I searched there too. I don't understand why I couldn't find it.


I remember this...I was going to attempt to build an equivalent circuit based on Aidian's info. There are only two suppliers of fast logic (74f) around here and I thought...i'll just put the logic chips on my next order from one of them. And I've not needed to order any parts from either supplier since :).

one day...



So you are trying to resurrect this mod?

I know very little about electronics so I'm no help in this, but if there is a method explained I'll surely try it. I'm very interested in this.

Anyway. When you mention that "Aidan's info", are you talking about what's posted on that thread or is there more somewhere else?.

I might just as well as him directly, but that would serve no good purpose. What happened to all of this anyway? Was it just dropped or did something happen that put an end to the project? I'm curious.