RGB moniter help please.

Started by Ord, January 27, 2006, 06:29:58 AM

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Hi folks, i'm a first time poster and I hope you can help me out.
I need an RGB scart cable for my monitor. It's a Sony KX-27PS1, which is the same as this one -

This is what the back looks like-

close up image -

Now I actually have one, but it was wired up all wrong, and to be frank I haven't the scobbiest as to what to do. For a start i'm colour blind and all the different coloured bit of wire make my head hurt.
I was told that the bit in the back of the monitor that looks like a regular scart socket is not the actual place for it to be and that it's the 34pin multi input that should be connected.

The other end of the scart cable looks like this-

Which can be connected to my PS2, Dreamcast and Saturn via adapters.

Basically could any of the more technically minded forum members out there please explain to me in minute detail as to how to wire this up correctly?

I have a cople of photocopies that came with the cable, but i'm a real technical dullard so any more help would be really great.



Let me jump in here before anyone gets on your case.

You have all the parts and all of the information that you need to know in order to do this. Seriously. You have it all. I understand that it looks daunting. There are people who might do this for you, for a (very large) fee, but the purpose of this site is to share information so you can do it yourself. By and large you will get exactly that here. The more you put into it, the better your feedback and hence your tangible results are going to be. Asking someone to do it for you here isn't a no-no strictly speaking, but it isn't likely to get you what you want either--we all have lives, too. With that in mind, here we go.

That's definitely a SCART socket in the rear. Since you say that the SCART cable you have is wired wrong, I am guessing that cable has not been modifed by anyone? If this is the case, then there are a few possibilities: the SCART socket is not actually wired for SCART-standards but is wired to Japanese 21-pin RGB and your cable is an actual SCART RGB cable, the SCART socket is actually SCART standard and your cable is Japanese 21-pin, or it is also possible that your monitor could be either of these but the SCART socket you have is wired for S-Video and not RGB. A fourth possibility that I think is very small, is that the socket itself might be wired to composite or S-Video only and not RGB, I tend to doubt this is the case though.

That being said, you know the RGB Multi Input takes it, so it's understandable that you would want to try to focus on that. The way you would go about doing this is laid out for you in the very manual you've given us a scan of. Locate one of those connectors along with the forks that it uses, then get the SCART cable you want to use. Open up the SCART end of the cable carefully and you will see the solder that joins the wires to the forks there, all you need to do is heat up that solder with an iron and it will melt and you can pull the wires out. Get yourself some tape and as you pull each wire out one at a time, label it by looking at the chart for which function that wire is for, red, green, blue, sync, audio, whatever. Do not go by the colour of the wire because they could be any colour and some might even be the same, this is why you need to label it yourself. Once you have all the wires out and labeled, attach each of them to a fork for your monitor's socket type. It says to solder them but just looking at it, I think you could probably get by just with crimping them on, if you need to solder then the wires may have just enough on them from the SCART plug. Once you have forks on each wire, look at your monitor's manual for the proper position for each wire by the labels that you made, line them up and slide them in. That's it. Honest. If you do this exactly as I have laid out then you will have a working RGB cable for the console of your choice.

Whoever put together the little adapters that you have there, basically did this once, and used a DB-15 connector on the other end. That way he can buy new cables and modify just the cable, using a DB-15 instead of the monitor's socket. You could do it that way if you wanted, but either way you choose, it is honestly nothing more complicated than connecting the dots. You would need to open up one of your small adapters on the DB-15 end and test the pins with a meter to match them to where they go on the console side, but you would only need to do this once, then you would know what to connect to each DB-15 pin every time you make a cable.

I realise it's possible you might find some, most, or heck maybe even all of what I just said to be Greek, but believe me when I say you can do this. A lot of people who read, post, and lurk on this board would kill to have such an easy, simple, and already laid-out method like you do right now. Don't get discouraged. You can do this.


I do the same thing with my monitor and my consoles...

Open one of your dongles and check with a multimeter (continuity mode) which pins on the console side match up with the monitor side. It does help if you all ready know the pinout of the console you are adding the RGB output to, the NFG Network ( http://www.gamesx.com , http://nfg.2y.net/forum/ , http://nfg.2y.net/games/ , http://www.gamesx.com/wiki/ ) has more than enough information to get you started.

Neo Geo side...

Put a multimeter probe on any console side pin, take the other probe and test each pin on the monitor side until you hear your multimeter (continuity mode) beep. Do this for each pin, and you should have all the information you need to wire up any particular console...

Monitor side...



As Endymion says, there's a SCART socket on the back of your monitor. It's even labled so (in france SCART is called 'Peritelevision'). RGB SCART cables for PS2, Dreamcast and Saturn are readily available. If you don't want to build em yourself then order one through your local video game shop or via a dodgy ebay merchant.


That's a smart first step--since he'd need to get a SCART cable to start with, there is no reason not to plug it in and try different modes/buttons to get a picture first before commencing with hacking it apart.


I too would advise getting hold of a SCART cable that you absolutely know is wired correctly first and trying that out. You can buy SCART leads for a lot of different consoles from Lik Sang for very cheap and I've never had a problem with them. Buy one for a console you have, plug it in and see if it all works fine.

Supplementary question: Does this monitor support 15Khz then?