Can component outp jacks be added to all consoles

Started by snes fan, August 30, 2005, 12:12:15 PM

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snes fan

I really want to add component video out to my SNES, Dreamcast  N64 and Genesis.

IS there anyway to do this or am I better off buying a Scart to Comp converter


None of these consoles output component natively.  You can either use one external RGB->component transcoder, or put one in every console, but the end result is the same.



I have heard of the RGB to Component boards made by JM Kertz on the fourms.  Looking at the price though being around $100 or more not really something you would want to buy a bunch of.   From what I have gathered from reading the neo-geo forums JMK has removed the markings on the parts used to make his Component board to stop people from copying it and making their own.  No judgement call here because he has put the work into it and should have control of the fruits of his labor safe.   I would like to have some idea on how to do it so it could be done as a homebrew.  Anyone think they could reverse engineer it?  Just wondering.



Converting RGB to Component Video is trivial. Conveting component to RGB almost as easy (or quite a bit harder if you want to remove the sync off the video signal 100%).

Basicaly you first need to clamp the video (always need to clamp before processing), strip the sync off the video (can skip this bit if there's TTL sync available), then apply the formula with some high speed opamps. It's something like: R+G+B+sync = Y, R-(G+B) = R-Y, B-(G+R) = B-Y. That's oversimplified but should give you an idea of how it's done.

There's a design for one published at I've not built it myself (none of my TVs have component inputs so there would be no point) but it looks good to me. No need to use an LM6172, any high speed (>20mhz, low phase shift) 'video' opamps are suitable. Maxim, Analog Devices and National all have a good selection. Get some free samples :)

It would only make sense to build internal converters if you had more TVs than came consoles...