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Dreamcast case mods

Started by Martin, July 19, 2005, 09:57:38 PM

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well recently I started this mod, nd there are a few errors in the paint work as you can see from my picture which was taken on a vintage digital camera that has a tendancy to make black look orange (therefore I blued it up a bit in photostudio).
Right now I have two ways I can go:
Make it looks Genesis-esque and stick a massive 128-Bit logo on it.
Make it look Shadow the Headgehog style.
I can't decide ;p
I'm also replacing the LED with a red led and if I do indeed go with the Genesis theme I'll probably mod up a Genny pad to work on it :P  
[span style=\'font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\']barenakedladies[/font][/span]


Ok I've also added a red ring around trhe open button now since I thought it looked odd when it actually had the buttons on (which are white) I think I'll use the 16-Bit idea, I'll just "retro" it up a bit (silver highlights around the controler sockets hmm? =D)
[span style=\'font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\']barenakedladies[/font][/span]


Okay I can't decide whether or not to do the triangle above the Power LED white like it was on the PAL Megadrive or that kind of readish-mauve colour it was on the NTSC one -_-
Any help? what do you think would look better?
[span style=\'font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\']barenakedladies[/font][/span]


QuoteOkay I can't decide whether or not to do the triangle above the Power LED white like it was on the PAL Megadrive or that kind of readish-mauve colour it was on the NTSC one -_-
Any help? what do you think would look better?


I think blue would go better because the logo of your case is blue



do the part above the light white. it'll help tie the sticker in with the buttons.