sync on green or green on sync ? ?

Started by Mr-Megalo, July 14, 2005, 08:38:30 AM

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howdy chaps,

having a bit of a problem making a japanese - euro RGB cable for a mak japan BoardMaster supergun.

I have correctly made a japanese21pin to euro scart adaptor using 2 female scart sockets but I cant seem to get any green output, red is fine as is blue, even the audio is fine but green . . . it wont display it. is this a case of sync on green or green on sync ? if so - is there anyway I can split the 2 signals ? ?

could this also be a factor in why I cant seem to upscan the 21pin RGB output via both my XRGB2 and 2+  when using the same scart lead (as sold by mak japan)

ANY help or advice is greatly appreciated, its not very often i get time to do any fiddling these days but this supergun seems to always leave me stumped  :huh:




It's always sync on green. Some VGA adapters/monitors have the composite sync signal riding on the green. Sony monitors like SoG and the PS2 outputs it. With component video, the "green" signal is actually the luminance signal, and the liminance signal of component and s-video both have the sync riding on it too.



There's  no reason your SCART adaptor shouldn't work properly.  SCART and Japanese RGB don't use SoG, so you can forget about this being part of your problem.  I'd say you've got either a broken wire in the cable, a bad solder connection or you've just miswired it.  


thanks for the responses guys  :)
just bought another scart 2 scart effigy so I'll have another pop at it later tonight.
slightly off topic but on topic . . .kinda. . .

the "sync" signal from pin 7 on my Japanese RGB lead,  if I solder it to euro scart pin 20 I get nothing, if i solder it to pin 19 I get a picture.
I've actually also got another 21 pin RGB cable on its way to me from Japan for my PS2, once that arrives I'll have 2 cables to test with and double check pinouts on the cables themselves - until then I guess a bit of trial and error is called for.

thanks again



hmmm - made another scart2scart thingymajig up (japanese RGB in - euro RGB out)
I should have pointed this out in my 1st post but what i've done is basically rewire 2 female scart sockets so its Japanese RGB in and euro RGB out - anyways I still have the exact same results - no green on screen, although when I powered down the supergun and then powered it back up I did see a hint of green when the unit was initially powered up for a split second, when my CPS1 SF2Turbo was powered up

As I mentioned the scart2scart box seems to be wired okay so could the problem be with the Scart to scart cable ? ? this is a standard scart 2 scart cable that I use with my DVD player on my TV - could the problem I'm having be related to the scart cable and the way they are wired ? with Jonathan mentioning that the sync line is also for luminance its got me wondering/thinking that maybe its the cable itself.

I guess your wondering "why doesn't he just rewire the japanese 21 pin cable to euro standard" well - under normal circumstances i would but this isn't for me, its for a freind who also has a boardmaster SuperGun with a japanese 21 pin cable, rather than having that re-wired we figured it could be left as it is and a scart2scart box would suffice. I personally am thinking that its probably gonna be less hassle to re-wire the cable.


Remember that a standard Euro-SCART cable has the video in/out (and audio in/out) pins transposed.

No idea about the lack of green, try swaping the colour signals around to help isolate the problem.


howdy peoples,

while I'm around these parts - I thought I should bump another old thread, the problem was down to the scart lead that I was using, the pinout at the bottom end of the scart lead was wired different due to a slightly different pinout, all I had to do was swap 2 wires round at the bottom end of the cable, green and sync.
in theory this should also mean the problems I was having with my supergun & XRGB2/2+ should also be an easy fix as I use an identical cable for that too, I should be able to test this tommorrow/today (its 1:30 am - Im still on friday the clock says its saturday, my bodyclock is shafted anyways)