PAL Gamecube RGB problem

Started by Cyber Axe, July 15, 2005, 07:18:13 AM

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Cyber Axe

I got an RGB cable a while back form lik-sang however when ever the screen turns bright or white the screen tends to distort does anyone know what could be causing this?

i tried opening up the casing to make sure nothign was touchiner anything else or had become disconnected but i couldnt see anything wrong

also does anyone know if a PAL N64 RGB mod has been found yet? i remember seing it being worked on onn these forums a while ago but i couldnt find the topic again

Cyber Axe

never mind it appeared it wasnt gettitng grounded properly so i fixed it


Erm, dude. You don't need a RGB mod for PAL Gamecube, it already outputs RGB. You just need an official RGB SCART cable. Don't get an unofficial one, there were a lot around saying RGB when they plainly weren't so that's a bit hit and miss. The PAL GC outputs RGB as standard through the multi-out, you don't even need to bodge together with a DV cable like the NTSC ones, so buy an RGB cable from Nintendo Europe.

Cyber Axe

i wasnt asking for an RGB mode fo the gamecube i was just wondering about this weirdness with my cable if i plug it directly into the tv or audo switcher i have it creates distorion when the picture is too birght if i put it into my cheapo "dumb" scart splitter first for some reason it doesnt happen (it wasnt the ground like i though it my second post) (and it does provide an RGB signal the cable since if the signal the TV recieves is RGB it displays it in the corner for a few seconds)

the mod i inquried about at the end of my post was for the n64 cos thats the only one i need to get RGB quality on now (though i may need a new one since i think i broke it trying to do the us mod a while back)


Cyber Axe,

Short answer: It's likely the cable you bought isn't suitable for you console. Buy an official one.

Long: Third party cables are always a bit 'hit and miss', esp. for Nintendo's consoles (they often have subtly different cables for PAL and NTSC). Pull your cable apart. It should look something like this. The only thing I can think of that could cause the problem you describe is that the 75 ohm resistor across the composite video line is missing and you're actually watching the composite video output, not RGB.

Have you tried multiple TVs? Are you SURE the ground is connected properly? What's inside this 'dump' scart splitter?

As for RGB from a PAL N64 - nothing short of replacing the video DAC is going to help.

Cyber Axe

the "dumb" scart splitter is just basically a cheapo splitter that directly hooks 5 female sto one male but causes the problem of the signals feeding back into other devices that are connected and half powering on turned off consoles and such, ive not had a look inside though i probalby should though when i connect the gamecube to it the signal seems to darken and i get a more pronounced "chickenwire" diagonal pixel grid effect i'll probably just end up getting an official one though i though they were dear hence why i got a cheapo on ein teh first place, though this is the only one ive had problems with

ive not tested it on any other tv i might test it on my grandparents tv (their brightness is to high and contrast too low its almost merged into one big shade of grey)

its definatly an rgb signal thats getting through co sth etelevision tells you if the signal is rgb when it recives it and its definatly grounded i evne modded it hookin gup the grounding to the audio ground aswell however i do have 3 of those same cables and all 3 do it (i got 1 for snes and one for n64 but fat lot of good the n64 one is)

there also doesnt seem to be as many connections grounded as the one in that diagram the one in that diagram also seems to have an extra capacitor (i think thats the one) and resister

Cyber Axe

i seem to have found what was wrong by looking at that diagram you linked the RGB blanking was connected to the 12+v which is 5v on the gamecube i disconnected it form the +12v and its now working (just without the auto switch which i will work on fixing)


doh i just got some flicker but it seems to have removed the majority of it will have to further check the cause

Cyber Axe

finally got it working right i removed the 3 resisters that were attached to the R G and B cables and it no longer distorts and is even better quality in gerneral since thers no "chickenwire" effect anymore