Can a Sears Video Arcade II do s-video?

Started by Drewman21, July 12, 2005, 12:52:36 PM

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Just got a Sears Video Arcade II and I have looked around to see if anyone has done a s-video or composite mod.  I didn't see anyone that has done it.  I did read that it had a 2600 board that was revised to fit into the case.  I also read that it was a 2800 model that was used in over seas models and also used in the Sears machine.
Does anyone have any ideas or thoughts on this.  I'd be willing to pop it on open and post some pics if anyone can tell me what to look for.
Thanks much.



Unless it's radicaly different to all other atari 2600 clones (like that 1 chip jr thing). Just modify it as you'd modify any other 2600 which involves:

-Locate the video signal before it gets to the modulator.
-Disconnect the rest of the modulator (it loads the signal). Pull out some components or cut a track or two.
-Disable the RF mixing oscillator. Just pull out the transistor.
-Build a simple 'textbook' emitter follower buffer circuit for the video (use the transitor you pulled from the audio mixing oscillator). Use a potential divider on the input to adjust the amplitude of the video.
-Take the audio signal from the TIA audio output. It might also need a potential divider (lower the volume) and a coupling cap.

I'm pretty sure that's all. Though it's been a while since I've last done this.