Supergun ghost picture on 2 t.v's

Started by Fox, May 31, 2005, 11:31:08 PM

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Hi guys,
I have a supergun that works perfect on my old 14inch tv but have just got a 32 inch widescreen tv and 14inch tv/video combo and when the scart lead is plug into them all you get is a faint ghost picture, I tried r,g,b controls on the supergun and have tried all the av channels on the tv's, The tv are all rgb so i wonder why there not showing the picture.

If any of you top guyscan help i would be very greatfull.


Your supergun's not maipulating the SCART's status lines properly. To get into "RGB mode" on a TV you need to feed 12V to pin 8 (CVBS status) and 1-3 volts into pin 16 (blanking/RGB status).

Your problem looks to be a missing voltage on the blanking input. This ghost picture you see is the TV's poor attempt at blanking the screen, on a better TV you should see nothing at all.

First step to to measure voltage pins 8 and 16 of the SCART plug. It's probably a good idea to pull apart the SCART plug at this point to identify where the ground connects (SCART has 8 different ground pins, lazy manufacturers use only one o them). If there is voltage coming from pin 8 and 16 (if pin 16 measures too high when not connected to the TV don't worry, that's normal) then stop reading here. If there's voltage on pin pin 8 but not on pin 16 then you can connect a resistor between pins 16 and 8. This forms a potiential divider between the resistor and the blanking input's input resistance (75 ohms). The vaule of the resistor depends on the voltage found at pin 8. It should be 12V but some manufactures (being lazy, cheap, etc) supply only 5 volts to this pin. If it's 12V use a 560 ohm resistor, if 5v use a 150 ohm resistor.

If you find there's no voltage coming on either line then you'll have to rig up something externally. Find either 5 or 12 volts from somewhere (supergun internals, ac adaptor, etc), connect it to pin 8 then through a resistor to pin 16.


I have voltage on both pins 8 and 16.


O.k got the supergun on my widescreen to work and i've now been told that the 14inch tv thats ment to be r,g,b is not, Is there a little gizmo i can make to get it to work on tv's that are not r,g,b.


QuoteO.k got the supergun on my widescreen to work
really? how?
QuoteIs there a little gizmo i can make to get it to work on tv's that are not r,g,b.
Yeah, there are chips available that convert RGB to composite video/S-video. See the recent thread "Where to get: Sony CXA1645 chips"