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Halo 2 Tomfoolery

Started by NFG, December 29, 2004, 11:45:35 PM

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hahahaha thats pretty good

i was playing on that map by myself for hours nobody would join.

I found every box and moved it to the windmill by punching it. I even had the dumpster in there.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


Look for neogeoman next time you're on.  We can knock shit around together!


I added you to my friends list.

I tried reproducing what you have done in this picture, and I failed. First I tried going up the obvious ramp and through the small building, but the exit door is too small. Then I thought you must have gone inside the large building and up the ramp and jump the small gap... but that didnt work for me either. Did you just lodge the vehicle in the windmill then make it land on the platform?
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


QuoteDid you just lodge the vehicle in the windmill then make it land on the platform?
Yup, that's it exactly.  =D


Hmmm, im going to make a Halo 2 glitch page. I have found ways to get on top of cliffs, buildings, the sky by exploiting certain wepaons in the game. You can also get behind invisible walls.

Edit: Nevermind there is no point
it appears today everyone knows about the glitches. They will probably be exploited to hell and ruin halo 2.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN