dreamcast to interac psone screen (RGB)

Started by kingbuzzo, November 21, 2004, 03:26:40 AM

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Hey, I'm modding the interact psone screen to take rgb from a dreamcast. Is it done the same way as from the official sony psone screern?\

I'm guessing it would be but I just want to be sure.




If the interact screen actually uses rgb, then yes it would be the same.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


good point. Does anyone know if it does take rgb?

I'm guessing it doesn't or else I'd see it in every portable project out there...




Well from what I understand, the 3rd party screens for the psone are crap compared to the sony one. That would be why people use the official one.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


the sony one is a bit clearer, and is half an inch larger, and usualy much more expensive.

I've compared them both side by side and this thing isn't crap.

I'm pretty sure that the others don't take rgb though. Oh well, still looks pretty good. I'm going to find a better led though, this one isn't too great.

thanks...I guess,



I have an Intec psOne lcd screen which does take RGB. If you want, I can help show you the pinouts to the lcd screen.


forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


Intec huh? I'll go pick up my screen from my place and check to see if it has the 9th, 11th, and 12th pin. Even if it is there though, I wouldn't know until I try it out cause those pins may lead to nowhere.

thanks guys, I really appreciate it.



the rgb pins on the psOne av pinout for the intec screen dont go anywhere. I'm pretty sure the only pins that are connected are the composite video, stereo sound, and ground. You can only hook up the rgb directly to the lcd screen itself.

on the back of my screen there are 10 pins arranged in 2 rows by 5 columns.


1: Mode2
2: Blue
3: Red
4: Vcc +12v
5: Gnd
6: Mode1
7: Sync
8: Green
9: Vcc +12v
10: Gnd

I really dont know what the Mode 1&2 are (pins 1&6) or what they do. I have them both not connected to anything.
I only have one of the Vcc +12v pins connected (pin 9) and I left pin 4 disconnected.
I have pin 10 (Gnd) connected to the video Gnd and pin 5 (Gnd) connected to the common ground from the pcb boards that are with the screen.
I connect the RGB,sync+Vid Gnd to whatever video source I want. I would strongly advise to add a variable resister to each RGB line.  I think a 1K Ohm variable resister would be best because I am using a 2.2K Ohm VR and about half way turned it will completely resist the color signal. I advise them because when I didn't have any resistance on the rgb lines, I got a very bright picture coming from my arcade machine games.


Thanks, I'll bust open this thing as soon as I get the chance to check out these pins. Hopefully they'll be the same, but I'm not gonna get my hopes up.

thanks a bunch,



well I opened it up. I followed the a/v cables to find 6 solder points. which meet up with the power adapter and head to the screen in a mess of wires. So I'm guessing this means that it doesn't support rgb?




The screen does support rgb, pretty much all lcd screens take in rgb. does the screen have a pcb board taped or glued to the back of it? Mine does(or did... :lol: ) and that has the chips and what not to take the composite video and turn it into rgb and send that to the screen. If you could take some pictures of the screen, then it would be alot easier for me to try to help.


Quotepretty much all lcd screens take in rgb
Boy, I wish I lived where you do!!  LCDs that take RGB are by far the exception, not the rule, in my experience.  They almost all use proprietary digital signals.


no lcd "takes" rgb. LCD's do not use rgb, they use i guess something you could say more digital. CRT's have a light gun for R, G, and B, and LCD's have a bunch of crystal cells for each pixel. Depending on the signal sent to each signal, the crystal blocks light differently.

Some LCD screens take RGB (like the psone screen) because it is used for the device it hooks up to. It then has components within itself to convert rgb or composite to its native signals. So by what lawrence meant was, you can't rip a screen out of anything like a pda and feed rgb to it.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


I had  a feeling someone was going to correct me on my statement.  I meant to say that pretty much all of those console lcd screens "accept" rgb. Sorry to of made such a blunt statment.

On another note, does anyone have a intec screen for other systems besides the psOne? I've opened up a psOne and GameCube screen made by intec and found that they use the exact same lcd screen.  I would just like to know if they used the same screen for all the other consoles as well like the ps2 and xbox.


thanks a lot guys!

I'll post some pics tomorrow.  It's good to know that it takes rgb. but I'm wondering if RGB will fix the problems I have with it.

The screen is definately big enough for me and is only 0.5" smaller than the other screens. But I find that the screens displays a very undefined bright image which is vey bad for games like Ikaruga, or SF3 when you have to parry at the right time. My first guess would be that it's the LED, what do you guys think?




I'm using a 1K Ohm variable resister on each of the rgb lines to control the brightness/darkness and the color of the picture.

I'm pretty sure someone here is going to mention trying to add 220uF capacitors on the rgb lines.


Yo, I finally got those pictures uploaded.

Here's where the psx a/v cable leads to. The other A/V input also leads to here.


This is the mainboard that fits in behind the screen (duh)

Back of screen

So somewhere along here, I'm supposed to find the rbg pins? I'm going to guess that it's where that ribbon is going, but it doesn't seem likely...

Thanks a bunch,
