Can you hook up a lcd to the gc's scart pins?

Started by Dankley, December 11, 2004, 05:41:07 PM

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If so, what kind of lcd would I need? I think i'd know what pins to solder to.


This question is ridiculous.  You've told us absolutely nothing about whatever you're trying to use for the job.  Do you know how many countless thousands of different LCDs there are?  I mean, go buy an LCD TV that takes RGB and BAM!  You're done.  

Assuming that's not the answer you wanted, you'd better provide more details.


You would need a LCD that takes SCART in order to connect your LCD to your SCART.

Thanks again,
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN



No, sorry, no SCART-capable LCD screen can use SCART.



You need to inform yourself a little more about your own question in order to ask it properly. We can't give advice, suggestions, or even good guesses if the only thing we get is gibberish. Please study up a little, then reword your question.


Now that im done being a smartass...

Yes, hooking the RGB and SYNC pins from the gamecube up to the RGB and SYNC pins on any tv-level lcd will work. We were being smartasses, because this is what I would call a "stupid" question.

VGA lcd's will not work for reasons i wont explain.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


Okay thanks. Now I'm off to find out which pins do what  :blink: