12v power on a NES?

Started by Drewman21, December 09, 2004, 08:09:05 AM

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Hi all,
  Just wondering if any one knew of (and if they do know tell me) a 12v power point in a old NES system.  I would even be cool with a 5v source.  I just want to buy out of a box a neon or LED car kit that can be dropped into a old NES with just some simple wiring.  I have a window in it and want to light it up.  
   Can anyone help me at all?  If so could i get a picture of the power point and nearest ground to pull from.  Thanks all for the help ahead of time.



There is no 12v supply in a NES.  


Wait, yeah the power supply gives 12v. Don't be a dummy Drewman is this really hard? Where does the power supply connect to???
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


ok, the transformer for the nes outputs 9v, its unlikely youll find 12 inside..
5v sounds possible though, try using a multimeter around where the power supply plugs in.


The NES wasn't 12v, it used a 9V AC PSU.  <- note!  AC!  Not DC!


A 9VAC adaptor can be put through a fullwave bridge and you will get approximately 12VDC out of it. This is because converting AC to DC via a fullwave bridge increases the voltage by the square root of two.

However, you might well find that the inverter used to run the neon will take more power than the 9VAC adaptor can provide, if it is having to power the NES at the same time.

LEDs make a far better light source when you're on a tight power budget. However, you'll have to calculate the current limiting resistor for whatever voltage you're using as well as the LEDs you're using. That's not really too hard, as long as you have no problem with basic maths.
[ Not an authoritive source of information. ]


Oh yeah, my apologies, i was thinking of snes sorry.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN