genesis RGB cable

Started by weltall, November 28, 2004, 01:28:33 PM

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Hello. I'm posting from Berlin (I wish we had such a forum in Germany..but tech tip forums over here tend to be...full with persons who ask intelligent questions like 'do PS2 games run on my PS1?'or senseless 'whats the best console? spam) -and this is my problem:
I am making an RGB to SCART cable for my old Genesis 1 (50/60hz switch)
(the one I bought for the system about, umm.. 10? 12? years ago
was a fake one, only Pins connected were ground, the video signal and mono audio ect-
I was quite shocked when I realized that I had been playing like that w/o noticing it-I guess I was too young.)
The cable I made now is fully connected, all grounded, sync goes to the video line, audio comes from the headphone thing in stereo,, but somehow it doesnt work.
I added 3 75ohm resistors to the rgb lines, tried with and without 220uf caps (electrolytic and soldered in in the right direction), but all I get is a nice looking pic for about a second or two and then it seems as if the colours vanish one after the other and the screen turns black.
I checked the lines a dozen times, there is no short and everything is grounded-
the voltage on the RGB lines is 2.2V when its not plugged in but turns to 0 as soon as I turn on the console..I tried the cable with and without the resistors, added higher ones too..but the result is always the same-no matter if with or without caps or with or w/o resistors.
I really have no clue what is happening there and I hate such situations-any solutions?




That sync line confused me-I did a translation mistake reading through your forum, silly me-
now I know what 'dedicated sync' means- the TV gets the information from the composite video pin, no need at all for that line, d'oh..I ignored the the Neo Geo-Scart info too at first because I thought I must add the sync somewhere.
The cable works perfectly now. =D


Du kannst auch alternativ statt Video das C-Sync �ber einen 220uF Elco an Pin 20 verbinden, damit bei 60 Hz die vertikalen Streifen verschwinden.

Gru� Markus

PS: I know, It`s in german language :)