Moding a NES to a toploader

Started by Keith, October 24, 2004, 02:49:23 PM

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Hey I was wondering if you could take a old NES that loaded from the side, and possibly turn it into a toploader. You would probably have to make a new case or modify the old one. I think it would be really cool, if its possible. Please let me know if it can be done.


probably more difficult than its worth
"Console Mods" lurker


Well yeah, you could make it bottom loading if you wanted too, just stick the connector somewhere else. If you have it too far from the pcb you might have to deal with ohm's law or latency issues...
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


well its quite easy to convert your existing nes to a toploader you can do it using 2 methods (as i can think of atm)

1. open then nes hack the connector in 2 pieces and use the upper piece solder bottom part of it to pcb (you now have a "top" loader) or ....

2. this involves a GameGenie or some sort. we are gonna butcher the gamegenie for the connector on "cartrigde side" unsolder the connector. open a nes takeout the 72 pin connector (better to use one not workin to save money) use a hacksaw and saw it off in 2 pieces (in the middle between the 2 connectors) remove some plastic using a dremel or otherwise usefull tool solder the gamegenie connector to the bottompart of the connector and use melt glue to replace the missing plastic / stabilize the new connector. reinstall the connector. now you have a lying nes connector that works like a toploader and boots everygame without destroying your nes case.

NOTICE! you should putsomethin in the sledge to prevent ppl from pushing down the cart as this will probably destroy your newly made connector.


Pretty innovative, but you know that they do sell "edge connectors" that can be commonly found @ electronics stores, right? You would need a 72 pin edge connector.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN