Any way to convert S-video and composite into RGB?

Started by Computolio, October 25, 2004, 01:08:49 PM

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   I've got an RGB monitor and I'm wondering if it's practical or possible to buy/make a gizmo that'll convert composite and S-video straight into RGB.

   I've heard of converter boards that do this, however they seem to be mostly found in laserdisc arcade games. Were any available as stand-alone units?


It's important to note that you cannot create quality where therewas none, so converting S-video or video to RGB will look AWFUL.

Chroma decoders are very common, though they're not in enough use that they're cheap.  You can consider any normal "watch TV on your VGA monitor!" device as a very cheap alternative if your RGB monitor supports 31kHz (VGA) resolutions.


Yup, inside your tv the s-video is actually turned into rgb at some point anyways so on your monitor your picture wont be any better. S-video quality video sent to rgb is still s-video however your monitor might give a clearer picture then your tv.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


QuoteIt's important to note that you cannot create quality where therewas none, so converting S-video or video to RGB will look AWFUL.

Chroma decoders are very common, though they're not in enough use that they're cheap.  You can consider any normal "watch TV on your VGA monitor!" device as a very cheap alternative if your RGB monitor supports 31kHz (VGA) resolutions.

   That's what I'm using already, but I'm wondering what the alternatives are as it's a fairly awkward device that introduces a weird flickery effect on areas of solid color. It only does this in composite and the level of flicker varies from system to system; S-video is oddly fine.

   I know that in the end the picture will look like ass no matter what I do (it's a stopgap solution anyway), but I was curious about other options. Thanks for the heads-up on what those converter things are called.