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Started by Ricky, July 29, 2004, 01:27:49 PM

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I have an old projector that takes RGB input, I tried hooking up my composite XBOX to it and only the green picture showed. I'm guessing this is because the xbox composite is  Y,Pb,Pr. Any way to fix it??


You seem to be confused.  As the pinout page shows, the Xbox outputs component video, RGB, or composite + Svideo, depending on how you've got the output jumpers set.  If you set them to component, you'll get component.  If you set them to RGB, you'll get RGB.

Quotethe xbox composite is Y,Pb,Pr.
This makes no sense.  Not sure how to respond to it.


xbox HD AV pack outputs 480i/480p/720p/1080i so I guess it does YPbPr as well as YCbCr... no?

by the way you said RGB but is it like RGBVH or RGB-Scart?
Seeing green screen sounds like you need sync line or something...
heard the similar discussion over last year... might want to check out under HT Gaming forum over there...



Quotexbox HD AV pack outputs 480i/480p/720p/1080i so I guess it does YPbPr as well as YCbCr... no?

by the way you said RGB but is it like RGBVH or RGB-Scart?
Seeing green screen sounds like you need sync line or something...
heard the similar discussion over last year... might want to check out under HT Gaming forum over there...

*stares blankly at message*

what? :blink:  
[span style=\'font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\']barenakedladies[/font][/span]


The RGB input I have uses BNC connectors.

Does a Scart cable have a true RGB output to it?

I realize that component video (Y,Pb,Pr) and RGB video output are not the same, so does anybody know any other way to convert any other video signal to a true RGB, without spending a couple thousand dollars on a transcoder?


I'm not sure why you seem to think that the Xbox cannot do "true" RGB. If you will just read the pinout you will see that it can. SCART cables are exactly that--SCART cables. They have pins which serve the same purposes no matter what they are connected to. The big idea is that you can connect a VCR to a TV with it, or a stereo receiver, or whatever, and have a standard for the pins. So the pins that certain devices need are always there, and always in the same place, pins that others do not need are not connected.

SCART can connect composite as well as RGB, so all you need to do is make sure the SCART cable you get for your Xbox is made for RGB. If that's the case, it will have the pins connected to do RGB.

If your projector wants VGA, which is really just a higher resolution of RGB, then you will have to get a transcoder and use it with an Xbox component cable. Transcoders do not cost thousands of dollars, however.


HEy I was wondering, since I really am a n00b but I wish to learn,

what pins actually outpur R, G and B when its running ing 15 Khz RGB mode?


Quotexbox HD AV pack outputs 480i/480p/720p/1080i so I guess it does YPbPr as well as YCbCr... no?
Aren't they the same thing?


i thought they are not exactly the same - forgot what was the main difference -  but on my PDP either way the PQ is identical and it has the option to change between PYrYb and PCrCb...
